Public Tickets All Categories Stoked! (4) SNEWS (1) MightyMag (1) PowerMag (4) MobileFirst (0) Minimosity (1) Karlyle Home Tabs Section Not Showing on Mobile DevicesClosed MightyMag Updated July 13, 2015 at 12:33pm 5 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,To override the CSS rule that removes the HomeTabs on smaller screens, this piece of code should work (to paste in the Custom CSS textarea, Advanced Tab):@media (max-width: 767px) {#hometabs- ... D'Ana Theme ErrorsClosed MightyMag Updated July 2, 2015 at 2:30pm 2 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there, 1. Google structured data testing tool is a google tool not a W3C standard, hence these are not exactly theme errors. There have been several changes in google structured data recently, an ... Juraj Responsivity problemsClosed MightyMag Updated July 2, 2015 at 1:40pm 4 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there, 1. That's the default view, the theme grid and responsiveness is based on Bootstrap, changing breakpoints would require several custom modifications. On your screenshots I see what is meant ... Dario de Judicibus Category Styling does not workClosed MightyMag Updated July 1, 2015 at 3:28pm 29 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi,I don't use this approach, as my category structure is usually different and I try not to give a post several parent categories. In case I have to, I wouldn't use category colors as they might will ... Ben Buddypress activity blank for logged out usersClosed MightyMag Updated June 29, 2015 at 2:11pm 11 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,Apologies about the delay, you're ticket came across the weekend and we don't (usually) work on weekends.Now is Monday morning in my country and I just saw all your messages. First of all, gl ... Dario de Judicibus Theme UpdateClosed MightyMag Updated June 26, 2015 at 2:24pm 2 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,As stated in the changelog you need to deactivate the plugin before proceeding with the update. No additional purchases are required.Moreover you can update the theme through the Envato Wordp ... John Home Page Slider retaining permalink dateClosed MightyMag Updated June 17, 2015 at 3:23pm 7 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi,Yes I meant exactly that. Out of the box all 3 menu locations shows all pages, that is a menu location (named Utilities) which you can configure in Appearance > Menus.Regardsdjwd pniesler VC Backend Editor not workingClosed MightyMag Updated June 15, 2015 at 2:39pm 2 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,I can't replicate the issue on my install, the Visual Composer (4.5.2) works as normal also on posts for me on latest theme version (1.7). When did this issue happened for the first time?Reg ... D'Ana Feature RequestClosed MightyMag Updated June 15, 2015 at 2:00pm 2 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,thank you for your suggestion. Problem with that is that users use to add lots of categories to a post making the homepage bloated. Also from a design point of view, there's no space for that ... Levi Wilcox WP 4.2 SupportClosed MightyMag Updated June 10, 2015 at 2:04pm 8 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,Of course you shouldn't be switching theme to upload some media. I were able to replicate the issue. I'm going to dig into this in a while and possibly release a fix within the next upcoming ... Kenny Le Bagousse Few Questions...Closed MightyMag Updated June 8, 2015 at 6:52pm 4 Most recent comment from djwd:Hi there,Unfortunately there is no option to display the hour of the post, that would need customizing template files which unfortunately goes beyond regular support. The file to look into should be c ... Dario de Judicibus Switching back to MM causes errorClosed MightyMag Updated June 3, 2015 at 4:52pm 4 Most recent comment from Dario de Judicibus:The new functions.php solved the problem. Thank you.PS The good in finding bugs: it looks like I am doing some extensive test of your theme, anyway. lorenzo cerrina category colorClosed MightyMag Updated June 1, 2015 at 7:24pm 4 Most recent comment from djwd:HI there, if you mean the very bottom, which is blue on the MightyMag demo homepage, it should be something like: #mgm-full-site-info {background-color: #000!important} Regardsdjwd Dario de Judicibus Color of Title Bar in Home TabsClosed MightyMag Updated May 28, 2015 at 4:10pm 5 Most recent comment from Dario de Judicibus:ok, thank you Farid profile visibilityClosed MightyMag Updated May 28, 2015 at 6:20am 3 Most recent comment from Farid:Thank you I'm waiting for your update 1 345678910111213 24