  Public Ticket #455991
Feature Request


  • D'Ana started the conversation

    Hi I attached a pic of the top of a single post to show what I want you could probably easily do since it seems the theme is already kinda perfect for it. You see how it shows the two categories of this particular post with the colors I set up. It would be cool if those showed on the featured images in the home page. I see that on a lot of themes. But maybe as an option. Maybe also you can add option to hide dates? Thank you

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    thank you for your suggestion. Problem with that is that users use to add lots of categories to a post making the homepage bloated. Also from a design point of view, there\'s no space for that on post entries.

    If you wish to hide dates this custom CSS snippet should work:

    .entry-date {display:none}

