  Public Ticket #880560
Featured image problem


  •  2
    Meric started the conversation


    Thanks a lot for such great product! Best I've purchased so far.

    I have problem with featured images. I am trying to create a video testimonial page. But, when I try to upload a featured image, it shows both on homepage & in the post itself. I do not want them to show in the post, just homepage.

    Also if you can recommend me a plugin that auto adds featured image from video URL (Youtube) that would be great.

    Thanks a lot.  

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,
    thank you for your purchase and kind words! Glad you like it.

    If I well understood your intention (the site requires a password to show), the option you may want to look into is "Hide Featured Image" in the Post options:

    This will allow not to show the featured image inside the single post page, though will still display on previews (and slider) throughout the site.

    Hope that helps
