  Public Ticket #857226
Can we make the Header Carousel Bit Squeezed?


  • Tarun started the conversation


    I wanted to know if we can make the Header Carousel Bit Squeezed? So that if looks nice?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    Not quite sure I got it right, what do you mean by 'squeezed' exactly? Thank you


  • Tarun replied

    I wanted to change the scrolling effect for carousel. Can you apply something better rather the current one?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    Well considering that 'better' is subjective, I personally can't see other ways Snews Carousel could slide if not sideways. That said that might be possible although not through theme options, it would definitely require some customization.

    Snews Carousel is based on OwlCarousel script, you (or your developer) might want to take a look at their documentation to check out what's possible to do with it.

    Hope that helps!


  • Tarun replied

    Can we not make it like it runs and never stopped, only on mouse hover it can be stop? Or might be this is also fine:


    Can you help to make it change?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,
    I could help by telling you which files you need to work on, and do generally help more in detail if it is something quick, although adding controls as per the example would require several customizations other than CSS styling for the buttons, position, etc..unfortunately this falls under 'personal customization services' which is not covered by regular support policy.

    If you don't have one, you may consider hiring a developer on Envato Studio

    I'm considering adding the autoplay feature in a future update though, could be a nice addition, thanks for your feedback and understanding.


  • Tarun replied

    Well, I can understand but will be good if you can let me know which file need to do customization and I will check if we can so yourself else will discuss you.

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Sure, the file containing the JS script that triggers the carousel is contained in admin/fn-extended/fn-js.php starting from line 197 to 258 (you'll see it's commented out).
