Hello mate.
It's going the right way with my website, but all the time I am running into "problems" haha :) Mostly it is possible to solve it with some youtube og google searching, but this one is a little bit more tricky.
I have installed BuddyPress, and it is almost running as it shall, but it is irritating me that some of the text on the site still is english, because I am from Denmark.
I have linked a screenshot " http://prnt.sc/b4vcjl ", and marked the areas that I really don't know how to translate, because in the "wp-content>languages>plugins>bbpress" and the .po file is translated, so I can't find out where I have to do som edits.
I have found out how to translate the most. So the last thing I need to translate is shown i den picture I have attached - this is the last thing i need to translate, and everything in the language .po/.mo files is checked, so I don't know where to translate the menu tab names.
Hi there, thank you for your purchase. Glad you almost sorted it out all :)
I performed a search for 'Friends' into the whole MightyMag theme to make sure this isn't coming from the theme. Since I couldn't find any result that should mean that the string is inside the plugin files, and it needs to be translated through buddypress/bbpress language files.
I've translated the whole BuddyPress file, and when I make a search in the BP language file for "Groups" it pops up, but the translate is made. I've attached a picture again.
Hi there, do you also have bbPress installed? Perhaps that is from its language file? Could you please try to switch to the default Twenty- theme and check the behavior if the strings get translated? Thank you
Hello mate. It's going the right way with my website, but all the time I am running into "problems" haha :) Mostly it is possible to solve it with some youtube og google searching, but this one is a little bit more tricky.
I have installed BuddyPress, and it is almost running as it shall, but it is irritating me that some of the text on the site still is english, because I am from Denmark.
I have linked a screenshot " http://prnt.sc/b4vcjl ", and marked the areas that I really don't know how to translate, because in the "wp-content>languages>plugins>bbpress" and the .po file is translated, so I can't find out where I have to do som edits.
I have found out how to translate the most. So the last thing I need to translate is shown i den picture I have attached - this is the last thing i need to translate, and everything in the language .po/.mo files is checked, so I don't know where to translate the menu tab names.
Hi there,
thank you for your purchase.
Glad you almost sorted it out all :)
I performed a search for 'Friends' into the whole MightyMag theme to make sure this isn't coming from the theme. Since I couldn't find any result that should mean that the string is inside the plugin files, and it needs to be translated through buddypress/bbpress language files.
Did you already try this?
Hello again.
I've translated the whole BuddyPress file, and when I make a search in the BP language file for "Groups" it pops up, but the translate is made. I've attached a picture again.
So I can't figure out, where it is coming from?
Hi there,
do you also have bbPress installed? Perhaps that is from its language file? Could you please try to switch to the default Twenty- theme and check the behavior if the strings get translated? Thank you