  Public Ticket #468601
Theme Errors


  • D'Ana started the conversation

    1. I get a lot of errors and warning on my site and page when I check it in


    I double checked it wasn't something I did by testing demo site @ http://mightymag.djwd.me/2014/06/11/this-post-brings-luck-lots-of-luck/ and by testing my site with the FREE nirvana wordpress theme. When I switched my theme to nirvana all errors and warnings went away

    2. Back to top still not working I noticed an update the other day and I thought that would fix it but didn't.

    3. Social count plus not communication new likes on facebook and maybe not updating other things too. I don't know I didn't go thru and check its counts. It maybe it has its own cache??? But it seems to update post count - so I don't know.

    4. Footer menu has no spacing or padding between links - makes it unusable

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    1. Google structured data testing tool is a google tool not a W3C standard, hence these are not exactly theme errors. There have been several changes in google structured data recently, an update is needed to make it compliant.

    2. Last update was a security fix requested by Envato for all themes (XSS vulnerability), it\'ll get fixed in the next one, thanks for your patience.

    3. Social Count plus is a third party plugin which MightyMag integrates aesthetically, it doesn\'t interfere with its functionality though. Please make sure the plugin is up to date, and that there is no caching plugin or CDN service interfering with it.

    Also checking up their support page with several resolved tickets might help.

    4. Please try by pasting this in the Custom CSS textarea (Advanced Tab):

    #mgm-full-site-info ul li a { padding: 0 10px;}

    Hope it helps

