  Public Ticket #341660
Different Banner top per catagory


  • John started the conversation

    I am trying to have a different top banner per category.  Currently my main banner is configured in basic settings.  On edit category I am uploading a banner under "header background image" and it says Theme Options > Backgrounds > Enable Header Area Background must be enabled but I do not have this option there.  Am I missing something?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    the option was removed a few releases back as no longer needed, I need to remove the info also, sorry about that. Are you facing issues with category headers?




  • John replied

    I am, it does not replace the default header even though its the same size etc.  

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Please provide admin access and I'll take a peek then, thank you.



  •  93
    djwd replied

    I had a look, the option is there to upload a header background (the global option is located in Theme Options > Backgrounds > Header Background ), not the site logo wich you are using as top banner, hence the background you upload stays behind that. 

    Hope it helps



  • John replied

    Is there a way to have my homepage have my default banner? In other words I want the landing page to be what it is.  Then when you click on a post the banner would change depending on the category.  Does that make sense?

    Edit: I changed my site logo to a header background.  That seems to enable me to accomplish what I want however I cannot seem to get the site to display the full banner which is 1250x200 (the same as the site logo)  Previously you recommended I add #mgm-branding {padding:0!important} which I removed and that did help.  Adding to the padding does nothing.  It looks like I am missing something.  


  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    exactly the only way would be not to upload any logo, and  upload the homepage logo as header background. I'm not quite sure I got what the problem is exactly, although images and backgrounds have different behaviors in CSS/HTML as you could notice.

    If you want to add the padding only to the category Ill Tempered you could do it with a targeted CSS for that page, something as:

    .category-ill-tempered-gamers #mgm-branding {padding: 40px 0;}

    Hope it helps



  • John replied

    The problem is the logo(s) are covered by the Navigation Background bar.  I have it set up exactly the way you suggest.  No site logo and a header background.  Even with the .category-ill-tempered-gamers #mgm-branding {padding: 40px 0;} you can see the logo is being cut off at the bottom.  It's almost there, I can have custom banners per category, they are just being cut off.  

  •  93
    djwd replied

    The 40px value is just an indication, adjust it according to your needs and try by adding the !important declaration, as such:

    .category-ill-tempered-gamers #mgm-branding {padding: 80px 0!important;}



  • John replied

    This works in the advanced tab:

    #mgm-branding {padding: 77px 0!important;}

    I wanted it to be global, the category setting would not work for me but this works better.  Thanks!