  Public Ticket #336442


  • Helene started the conversation


    Thank you so much for this really good theme ! I would like to personalize typography. Can I preview each font easily ? Have you a list of them ? It's so long to Save Options for preview each font.

    How can I add new font ? The folder /fonts contains only 2 fonts and they are not visible in Typo tabs.

    Thank you for your help.

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    1. Quickest way to preview fonts would be to check them out directly in Google Fonts repository, by typing the font name in the search field on the left.

    2. It depends, there are several ways to add fonts in general. If that's a Google Font, it should be enough to add the font name in admin/fn-typography.php, there is the font list starting from line 182.

    Powermag's default font though is not a google font, hence it had to be embedded manually as a custom font through regular CSS rules. More info about that

    Hope it helps
