wp-content/themes/powermag/inc/jackbox/php i am having an error file that is gnerating and reaching huge size and it griws and never stop . please see attached file .. can you please tell me what should i di to stop this , is making huge pressue on my server . thanks
I'd need to run some tests about this error and see if I can replicate it and provide a fix. In the meantime if you're in urgent you might consider disabling the Jackbox Plugin in Miscellaneous > Enable Jackbox Lightbox
in the folder :
i am having an error file that is gnerating and reaching huge size and it griws and never stop . please see attached file .. can you please tell me what should i di to stop this , is making huge pressue on my server . thanks
Hi there,
I'd need to run some tests about this error and see if I can replicate it and provide a fix. In the meantime if you're in urgent you might consider disabling the Jackbox Plugin in Miscellaneous > Enable Jackbox Lightbox
Thanks for your feedback.
Unfortunately the error doesn't appear in my own errors log, so I have difficulties testing possible fixes.
Can you please try the following:
1. Opem inc/jackbox/js/jackbox-for-powermag.min.js
2. Search for
3. Replace it with
And let me know the results, thank you.