  Public Ticket #318702
Few Quick Questions


  • Mason started the conversation


    Just downloaded the MightyMag theme and it is fantastic! I just had a few quick questions regarding a couple things I cannot figure out, sorry to take up your time!

    1.) The "Recent Tweets" widget keeps showing up funky. I entered all the correct information. Attached is a photo that shows what\\\\\\\'s happening.

    2.) How can I create a dedicated page and menu item for Forums? I would like a page that can show the Forum Tree.

    3.) The MightyMag - Login Widget seems to be missing? Or I could be overlooking it haha.

    4.) How can I insert a logo to show up in the sticky menu where the website name displays?

    Thank you so much for your time! And sorry if these questions have already been answered or information has already been provided!



  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,
    thank you for your purchase and nice words.

    1. That's weird as the twitter widget works fine for me and other users. Please re-check your data carefully, perhaps try creating a new app. Also disable other plugins while troubleshooting.

    2. To create forums as per the live demo, please check the documentation Plugins -  bbPress. For other queries regarding generic bbPress usage, there is also their default codex.

    3. The widget must be there, please recheck carefully! It's called MightyMag - Login With Ajax and need to be dragged into the Login sidebar

    4. The sticky nav menu by default, takes the Footer logo which you can upload in Theme Options > Basic Settings

