  Public Ticket #289783
Child Theme


  • Lucio started the conversation


    Great theme, just installed.

    I prefear to work with a child theme, which files or dirs can I replicate in the new directory in order to override the original ones? Thank you!

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there, thank you for your purchase and nice words.

    you can work with child themes just as you would with other themes, by following WP guidelines



  • Levi replied

    Hi. I'm going through the same thing. What I've found is that you can only override files in the base directory and even then, there's plenty in the functions.php that isn't child theme friendly. You can add new functions, but most of the theme functions.php code doesn't allow overriding functions. All of the widgets have hardcoded locations in the main theme functions.php so it's not really possible to override with a child theme. 

    If you do choose to go with a child theme anyways, you'll need to copy css/animate.custom.min.css to your child theme to get animations working. This is the only file that uses get_stylesheet_directory(). The only other option to enable a robust child theme is to modify the original theme functions.php

  •  93
    djwd replied

    I'll check up on this and update 'includes' sources in functions.php if necessary. If your goal is to customize the CSS on a separate file though, the instructions given on the provided link will work just fine.



  • Cedric replied

    i confirm, not working with child theme, realy useful to be compatible with please ;)