  Public Ticket #289299


  • Staton started the conversation

    Hi i applied the demo file and it looked nothing like the sample demo site you have. It seemed as if something was going wrong when i was installing it took so long. Is there a step by step to install the demo to look exactly like how your demo site looks so i can edit and customize to suit my own needs? Hopefully as a customer i will get excellent service with this issue. Thanks 

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there, 

    thank you for your purchase.

    After importing XML demo content, you are left to organize your widgets as unfortunately wordpress importer doesn't support them.

    To build your homepage demo-like, please check the default documentation > Creating the homepage

    If you wish to import widgets also, I attach a .wie file from the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin, which you can use to import some demo widgets from the live demo by installing the plugin and importing the file.

    Note: if widgets aren't appearing on the front-end right after importing, please move to Appearance > Widgets and hit the "Save" button once for each widget.

    For anything else you see on the live demo and you're having difficulties to achieve, don't hesitate to ask I'll be glad to help.


    FYI: Unfortunately I won't be able to provide support tomorrow, any follow up will be processed on Monday. Thanks for your patience.
