image sizes for the theme are defined in functions.php, around line 240.
I do not recommend to change those though, specifically in width, as columns width will still remain the same (370px), this could lead to unwanted results (poor image quality above all)
If you know what you're doing and decide to go for it anyway, after making the changes you need to run some plugin as Force Regenerate Thumbnails to re-set images already uploaded.
How do i control the featured image on 'classig blog home' ?
see attached image(bluebox).
It is at 370px X 260px.
I want it to be at 320px X 180px.
I have adjusted in Settings>Media - but not changes.
please help.
Hi there,
image sizes for the theme are defined in functions.php, around line 240.
I do not recommend to change those though, specifically in width, as columns width will still remain the same (370px), this could lead to unwanted results (poor image quality above all)
If you know what you're doing and decide to go for it anyway, after making the changes you need to run some plugin as Force Regenerate Thumbnails to re-set images already uploaded.
okay thank you very much :)