  Public Ticket #2501505
Functions of admin panel


  • Eric started the conversation

    Have a some questions:

    1) Why this borders has another colors? https://prnt.sc/txek0r

    2) how to make size of score bigger like here? https://prnt.sc/txe4y8

    3) Where can i change this text? https://prnt.sc/txdgdw

    4) how to change color only one link in here? https://prnt.sc/txcy3c

    5) where can i change name of this element? https://prnt.sc/txcnna

    6) where can i change name of this elements? https://prnt.sc/txcn5a

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    thanks for wrapping up and numbering the questions as the other ticket was getting really confusing.

    1. Because the right one refers to a category that has a color set, the left one doesn't have any post.

    2. That's the Snews - Side Posts widget showing Best Reviews


    3. Have you translated the .pot file inside the languages folder? If not you need to do it through a .po editor like Poedit. You can find guides about this with a google search about this, like this one

    4. Please add this Custom CSS in Snews Options > Advanced Tab (replace 'white' with any color code you want)

    .snews-footer-credits a {
        color: white;

    5. Same as number #3

    6. Same as number #3

    Hope it helps
