  Public Ticket #223840
responsive baner ad


  • Ricardo started the conversation

    I cannot get the top banner ad to respond correctly. If i use pre determined pixel sizes, it will work on desktop version but not mobile. 

    if i use google generated responsive code. it works on mobile, but not desktop.

    any ideas on a solution?

    thank you

  • Ricardo replied

    bump, please help this issue is very frustrating 

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    apologies for the delay, bumping a thread actually moves it to the end of the queue again. :/

    The top ad textarea simply output the code entered on the top ad slot, it doesn't interfere with GoogleAds responsive functionalities, because of that I don't know what exactly the problem could be as it's not strictly theme related. There should be some problem with the responsive ad code not working correctly.
    On my end I could tell you how to hide/show a block on mobiles/desktops if it could help, but it's not something to fix inside the theme.



  • Ricardo replied

    thanks for getting back to me. i would love to learn how to hide the baner add on the mobile version. thanks :)

    also, how would i go about changing the font size of the verticle carosel to the right of the main slider?

  • Ricardo replied

    also it seems as if all the options under "single" don't have any effect on post pages. for instance "show related post" doesn't show anything. or disabling author info, still shows author tags.

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    problem is that if you hide the div where the top ad is displayed, and you have the mobile Ad in the same div, this will also be hidden. Anyway to hide PowerMag top ad on mobiles you could do it by entering this in the Custom CSS textarea (Advanced Tab):

    @media (max-width: 767px) { #top-ad {display:none } }

    To change font-size of the vertical carousel only:

    #carousel div span {font-size: 14px!important}

    About "single" options:

        - Show related posts is based on 'tags', so it will display related posts only if some common tags are present.

        - Author info is related to the author biography box that appears at the end of the post, not the "By xxxx" tag.

    Hope this helps



  • Ricardo replied

    Thank you so much, will be implementing soon <3

  • Ricardo replied

    sorry to keep bothering you, those fixed worked great.

    what i was trying to get at with author info is, there is a strip across every featured image/video (top left) of the iframe that is in the way of the videos as they play.  (single post pages)

    is there a way to hid that info?

  • Ricardo replied

    I also tried to hide the category tabs display on the mobile version hoping this would work.

    @media (max-width: 767px) { #cat-tabs {display:none } }

    what am i doing wrong?

  •  93
    djwd replied


    Your code isn't working as "cat-tabs" is a class not an ID, it should be:

    @media (max-width: 767px) { .cat-tabs {display:none } }

    The strip could be be hided with this snippet but on all media and not only for videos.

    .single .entry-img-info {display:none;}



  • Ricardo replied

    great, thank you for all your help, these changes have drastically improved my site. I'm running into another issue, there is a random discoloration on the home tabs. the 1st one in this case "al chile" is automatically highlighted in black for some reason.

    ive played with all the themes colors to no avail. Why is this happening? and can i do anything about it?

    my homepage for refrence (work in progress)


  • Ricardo replied

    Also forgot to mention, in my hp category widgets i would love to be able to change to text color, of where it says how long its been since the post was created (2 weeks ago) right now its white on white :(

    and lastly, how do i do the same thing we did on the single pages (getting rid or black bar on featured area) in a category page?

    thanks! sorry for the bombardment of requests!

  •  93
    djwd replied


    1. It's the active tab, change the color like this:

    .cat-tabs ul li.current a {background-color: #ccc}

    2. .widget .widget-post.pm-first .entry-date { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }

    3. If you wish to remove it globally throughout the site, remove the ".single" filter, as so:

    .entry-img-info {display:none;}

    Hope that helps



  • Ricardo replied

    thanks, im having a problem with what seems to be the retina feature. Im getting a huge load of errors when loading my homepage

    the errors display as follows:

    HEAD http://vamosdeportes.com/Vamostv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/[email protected] 404 (Not Found) retina.min.js?ver=0.0.2:3

    and there are about 25 of them, see the screen shot. 

    i think this is causing some major performance issues. do you have any idea what could be causing this?

  • Ricardo replied

    I think i have figured out a little more to do with my extreme performance issues. my pages are taking ~7 seconds to load here is the breakdown.

    How can we reduce the themes loading time? cause if it takes 5 secconds a page... it will not be usable for me.

    (the big red bar is labeled theme @ 4.89 seccond load time)

  • Ricardo replied

    i saw you comment and enabled minify options, aswell as started using a cdn. theres been little improvement but, there are some serious delays on every page.


  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    Loading times can be different on various setup as they can depend on too many things. If you test the live demo site:


    You get a very different score, I saw you have 19 active plugins, you should test the pagespeed without plugins (except officially supported ones) to see if it's something from the theme.
    As a further note, your server response time is 1.9sec, this value is strongly affecting the score, but this depends on your hosting provider.



  • Ricardo replied

    yes we had server issues all of yesterday, upgraded our service and it fucked up our database pretty badly. We have now remade the site with a fresh wordpress install and all is loading in <3 seconds thanks.

  • Ricardo replied

    .widget .widget-post.pm-first .entry-date { color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7); } this solution did not work. 

    the post created 1 week ago section on the hp widgets are still showing up white on white.

    i put it in custom css, am i doing somthing wrong?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there, really sorry about issues you had with your hosting provider!

    Apologies but I'm a bit confused, this is the code I gave you:

    .widget .widget-post.pm-first .entry-date { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }

    and it seems to be working fine to me, doesn't it? Please provide screenshots if you have the chance. Thanks



  • Ricardo replied

    re-tried, it works now. thank you. 

    is there a way i can make where it says Catagoria > Enrique Borja on any given category page, to display a related banner?


  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    Glad it worked.

    Unfortunately what you are asking that isn't possible without some some custom coding.



  • Ricardo replied

    fair enough, could you point me in the right direction to see if its something i can figure out myself?

  • Ricardo replied

    Im trying to optimize the mobile version of my site. and the main slider is acting strangley the entire info text area takes up the entirety of the sliders image on mobile site. check out the screen shot. is there any way to either disable that text info on mobile version, or make it scale correctly?

  • Ricardo replied

    I'm having major performance issues. Most of the site is being called in the header causing the unfortunate side effect of not allowing the page to be rendered until all elements within the header have been gathered.

  •  93
    djwd replied

    About hiding captions on mobile sliders:

    @media (max-width: 767px) { .flex-caption {display:none!important } }

    Answered to your other ticket about your last question. Closing this one as it's getting pretty long.

