  Public Ticket #197087
Update site and responsive site


  • Dudu started the conversation
    Hello, okay DJWd? I have two questions, I wanted to update my website Powermag 1.6 to 1.7, but I'm afraid of losing my data, what should I do? The other doubt is about my site when I try to look at it smartphone or tablet, qu all say it takes long to connect, and the layout is a little messy, you could've help me on this issue also? My site: http://dudroid.com.br/ I look back and thank you!
  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    About updating info, please have a read here.

    About the "messy" responsiveness you should be more specific with examples for me being able to help. Thank you



  • Dudu replied

    Hello DWJ. 
    The problem of update already I will try, thanks! 

    now another problem concerned the display of my sie in mobile devices, when you visit my site from a mobile device, it is very slow and the layout is messy, and has several people complaining about it to me. 
    I would like you take a look at my site by mobile device and see what can be.


  • Sergey replied

    Hi, Dudu.

    I've just tested page load time of your site with Pingdom Tools. Here is the report.

    The home page is epic slow, 31sec to load, to be hornest I thougt it's not possible :D

    As you can see in the report ( select "Sort by load time" to see the slowest elements) the main problem is in connect and DNS time (probably, poor hosting), second - huge amount of images.

    Read the report carefully, there is a lot of valueble informatiom there.



  • Dudu replied

    I just checked the link you sent me Zhukaev Sergey, I do not enyendo lot of it, but I pulled the report that you told me. 
    In qestão DNS you think I should do what?, Talk to those responsible for my server and increase the capacity of it? 
    And how many images, it is inevitable to use the images, have somehow to compress it? 

    already thank you very much!

  • Sergey replied

    Wow, sorry Dudu, I just realised that I made a mistake then I tested your site. 

    For some reason, I set test from Amsterdam, Netherlands ( I use this location by default) instead Dallas, Texas, USA, which is much closer to Brazil, then Netherlands.

    As you can see now,  results are not so bad (10 sec). DNS and connect latancy are almost zero, and the only problem is rich media and CSS content. 

    To parallelize downloads across hostnames, try a CDN service. You can start with Cloudflare, which is free.

  • Dudu replied

    I already had the plugin cloudflare, cloudflare now I entered the site and set up, but now it seems that even the speed of my site on PC worsened.