it really depends of the amount of changes you need to do. For small customizations, the best thing is to overwrite styles through the Custom CSS textarea in the Advanced Tab.
For larger customizations is best to set up a Child Theme instead. Do not manually edit theme.css as that's automatically generated from scss files, so your changes would be lost.
What I need to have in child theme css? I make child css and then a got error about scss, can you tell me which way is correct to make child css to get worked.Or tell me where I can change that css stuff which is not compiled so that can be compiled
Unfortunately there's not much I can do about it, probably kirki uses lots of resources of your hosting. You can disable it if that works for you.
About the php message looks to be a warning which is unlikely to cause any functional issue, can you please be more precise on when/where do you see that? I will fix that in the next update.
how I can change some things in css. If I manually change in theme.css after some time changes revert back?
I need to change some things which I can't change in customizer.
Hi there,
it really depends of the amount of changes you need to do. For small customizations, the best thing is to overwrite styles through the Custom CSS textarea in the Advanced Tab.
For larger customizations is best to set up a Child Theme instead. Do not manually edit theme.css as that's automatically generated from scss files, so your changes would be lost.
Hope it helps
What I need to have in child theme css? I make child css and then a got error about scss, can you tell me which way is correct to make child css to get worked.Or tell me where I can change that css stuff which is not compiled so that can be compiled
And I forget to mention....
I must every time to comment this line in function.php:
require get_template_directory() . '/inc/stoked-kirki.php';
and if is uncommented it so sloooow theme
Hi there,
kirki is required for the theme options though.
About the error, what is it? Try to copy the scss folder in the child theme folder should help.
If I enable slow load for 6secunds and more...if it disabled it load instantly. I have website with over 170K posts
And I get this error..a lot of it:
PHP Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/stoked/inc/fn/fn-tools.php on line 307
Hi there,
apologies for the delay.
Unfortunately there's not much I can do about it, probably kirki uses lots of resources of your hosting. You can disable it if that works for you.
About the php message looks to be a warning which is unlikely to cause any functional issue, can you please be more precise on when/where do you see that? I will fix that in the next update.