  Public Ticket #1781203
show category posts on a page


  • Repoman started the conversation


    The sidebar shows a "recent posts" widget.

    Is it possible to have that widget list posts from a category on a page in the same style as "recent posts".

    Or is there some other way to achieve this?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    the Recent Post widget is a Wordpress native widget, can't add options there.

    Why don't you just use the Powermag - HP Category Regular widget instead? Or maybe I didn't understand the question (?).


  • Repoman replied

    Clarified the situation. See new reply.

  • Repoman replied

    Please see the attached screenshot.

    The post list on the left has very big images, and i'd like them to be thumbnails with post link and excerpt on the right of the thumbnail.

    Is is possible to have a list that looks like the "recent posts" widget you see on the right sidebar?

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    Sorry that is not possible without personal customizations, that's the design of the theme you also see in the live demo. What you can do though is changing the blog entries style to have two items per row, resulting in smaller images:

    Hope it helps
