  Public Ticket #1181741


  • igamblew started the conversation


    First and foremost I would like to Thank you for the excellent theme which has been easy to use and looks fantastic! I have given you 5 stars.

    My query is that I like the current font on my website and dont want to change it but the font size in my articles is very small and I would like to increase the size but dont know how. 

    My second query is that I would like to change the current logo colour I have like in your demo. I have followed your example but it has not changed the colour of the logo.

    Thanks in advance.

  •  93
    djwd replied

    Hi there,

    thank you very much for your kind words and rating

    1. Pasting this in the Custom CSS textarea (Advanced Tab) should be enough

    body {font-size: 14px}

    2. The mini tutorial for the logo is meant for logo images, won't work for 'text logos'

    That would need a modification to a template file: 

    open partials/part-cat-options.php, add this snippet before line 112:

    .site-title a,

    so it becomes:

    .site-title a,
    .page-nav .current,
    #comments .page-numbers.current,
    .breadcrumb .icon-chevron-right,

    should work.

    Hope it helps
