Hello, I would like to change the Menu Hover color from the light grey to a different color. Can you tell me what custom CSS I should use to make the changes? Or is there another option?
Adding color to the "description" section in the menu only changes color to the corner box.
Not what I need.
Need the color for when a user hovers over a menu item with mouse the color is not the light grey color.
Hello, I would like to change the Menu Hover color from the light grey to a different color. Can you tell me what custom CSS I should use to make the changes? Or is there another option?
Adding color to the "description" section in the menu only changes color to the corner box.
Not what I need.
Need the color for when a user hovers over a menu item with mouse the color is not the light grey color.
Hope you understand thanks.
Hi there,
I'm not quite sure if you refer to the main menu or to sub menus. By the way:
main menu hover
sub-menus hover
Replace #000000 with your desired colors. To paste in the Custom CSS textarea (Advanced Tab)
Hope it helps
Thank you!